Zest it Up Inc. is a lifestyle company that specializes in special events and handmade goods like fun jewelry and housewares. It’s usually weddings and catering stuff, but recently, they started offering workshops in their Atascadero warehouse/kitchen/studio.
We particularly love these gals’ creative Cubs & Crafts workshop for little kids! Clara and Wyatt did one on St. Patrick’s Day and they made the cutest stuff!

I met Chanda (on the right) in person there, and she’s totally someone you’d want to be friends with: super easy to chat with and she totally gets the parenting stuff. Not to mention part she’s part of a duo that offered this amazing class for parents and their kids to come play, create and chat. She even baked us goodies.
Cubs + Crafts is a parent-and-me style craft session at the Zest it Up studio. All supplies and snacks are provided.
According to Zest It Up: “This is the perfect chance for your little cubs to work with their gross and fine motor skills while socializing with other munchkins (Oh, and you get to socialize too)! Come let the mess of crafting happen in the Zest studio while you get to meet new people and enjoy some creative play with your kids.”

But it was pretty cheap. You can find all that info on the Events page, though.
See you there!
8793 Plata Lane, Suite E
Atascadero, California
Shop: shopzestitup.com
Insta: @zestitup // Facebook