A look back at my very first Facebook blog post in 2016. This is my “why” –
I started this blog because sometimes you just have to get out of the house.
The days when you’re a short-order cook/nonstop cleaner-upper/sibling referee.
The days when you have to brush your teeth in the kitchen because the small children follow you everywhere and stick their hands in the toilet every chance they get.
The days when you just can’t even.
So I mad-grab for little person shoes and socks and snacks and waters, click the kids in their car seats – and GO.
And we go to lots of places. Some successfully, some not.
And yeah, it’ll probably suck getting there.
The kids might cry for most of the car ride (mine do). You’ll have to listen to the same 16 nursery rhymes on repeat (I do that, too). Your toddler will whine for the snack you don’t have or can’t reach or is the one thing you brought for yourself.
But you’re going somewhere.
You’re trying.
You’re making memories.
There’s laughter and sweet pudgy hands holding yours and you feel all the parenting feels.
My idea with this blog is to show you our adventures – but also tell it like it is. I’ll share the good, the bad, and the just plain crazy on those no-nap days. I post pictures and all the deets so you have what you need to try the adventure, too.
Overall, I’ll show you that the struggle to raise kids is real for all of us, but there’s still a ton of fun out there.
And you’ll feel better when you get out. You’ll see. 🙂
Adventure awaits!
– 2016 –