This post was originally printed in the August 2020 issue of Paso Magazine
Here’s my goodbye column in California’s Paso Robles Magazine and Colony Magazine. Having a column in these community news publications bridged my post-newspaper writing life from blogging online to local print and it’s sure been a great ride.
Dear readers,
if you haven’t heard … we’re selling our house in Paso and moved to the Washington state area this summer!
Say whaaaaat? It’s crazy, I know. And I’m equal parts sad and excited for it. But, moving during a pandemic? Not fun. It makes things like saying goodbye and visiting our favorite kid-places “one last time” super complicated. So I’m sayin’ to the heck with all that and already making plans for a mom-cation here when this is all over.

Honestly, though, it was completely up to me, I’d never leave the Central Coast. It’s a place that’s charmed my heart in so many ways. In its scenic beauty. In its community. And in the many friendships that I now hope the long distance just won’t shake.
For me, SLO County represents college days, career dreams coming true, meeting Bowen, our first house, the place our babies were born, those early motherhood years and the forever friends entwined in it all.
But this move comes with a backstory about keeping a promise. And my parents always told me it’s important to keep your promises.
Years ago, Bowen and I made a pact that we’d live where I wanted first (Paso, to build my journalism career), and then we’d move to the Pacific Northwest to follow his dream of living among tall Douglas firs and giant vegetable gardens. And since I’m a stubborn Scorpio and he’s a supportive Taurus, I’m 10 years overdue on my end of the bargain. So it’s time for me to take his hand to lead us into our new chapter. But … I told Bowen the second he dies, I’m moving back to Paso. 🙂
I’m going to really miss living here. All the mamas, friends, sources who followed me from the Trib and Nic and Hayley Mattson at the magazines for so graciously giving me a voice in print again. Thank you for all the support, and for all the fun.
Part of the magic of being a blogger is I’m not going away. I’ll keep my blog, Facebook and Instagram pages going to share our adventures. In life, in travel, wherever we are .
See ya soon.
Here’s a look at some additional articles I wrote for Paso Robles Magazine and Paso Press in 2019.