Here’s easy outing for those of you looking to get out of the house in this insanely unmotivated post holiday week: Adventure walks!
That’s where we go on a walk and take a basket to collect treasures we find on the ground. Sometimes I like to get in the car and find another neighborhood to walk in besides our own, because our neighborhood route gets old.
One walk that we particularly like is the sidewalk along Rolling Hills Road in Paso.
It stretches up the east side of the road between Golden Hill and Creston roads (see my little route map in pics). The walk offers a continuous concrete sidewalk in a (fairly) newly developed area with lots of manicured walkways, rock walls and shade. The walk brings you up a gradual hill if you go from west to east, so you get in a little workout, too.

At the top of this hill, you’ll be rewarded with a flat grassy oasis to run and play, hidden from view from the passing motorists.

We park at Planet Fitness on Creston Road, then take the sidewalk east, go up to the flat grassy area and then head back west to our car. I’m not sure how long this is, but it’s not too far.

The route isn’t perfect — there’s a steep slope throughout it on one side from the sidewalk down to Rolling Hills Road.

So I’d recommend having your littles walk on the inside of the path with you as a buffer on the outside. But this is parents usually walk in the neighborhoods anyway bc of street traffic so it’s not much of a change. I wouldn’t bring a kid bike for this reason, though. Plus the hill part.
There’s also a doggy poop station along this walk, if you want any four legged friends with you. I usually, don’t. Lol. Because I just CAN’T EVEN with two kids plus a 76lb boxer who think she’s an excited puppy (but is really 7).

One quick side note/mama PSA: We would go on a trail/hike to adventure walk, but I consistently get weirded out by taking my two small children alone on remote paths because there’s always something or someone that pops up and raises a red flag. My mantra is to make sure to buddy up when hiking or venturing anywhere rural/out of view of others.
And here’s the basket treasures we found!

See you out there!