If you need us, we’ll just be over here squishing, sculpting and pulling apart our new Playfoam by Educational Insights. We were #gifted a few of these Playfoam Pals to review.
Playfoam is a molding toy that apparently goes way back, but I hadn’t heard of it before. But its latest series, Playfoam Pals, features a little plastic toy animal hidden inside the pod. We ended up with a platypus, alligator and a raccoon we thought was a chipmunk
We got this toy for free in exchange for our review. But all opinions are my own. For more information on these types of collabs, see my blog disclosure. This post also contains an affiliate link to my Amazon Influencer Program Shop page. This means I earn money (at no cost to you) from qualifying purchases when readers shop products I review via my Amazon page.
⋙ Playfoam colors can be combined (as kids always do) without it turning brown like other sculpting toys. In fact the mixed colors were pretty!!
⋙ The texture of the Playfoam is very relaxing and fun to mold into snakes, balls and cubes.
⋙ The kids really loved that the animal inside each pod is a surprise.
⋙ Adding an animal toy to the Playfoam experience is fun bc then you can sculpt little accessories for them. We made little houses, caves and beds. My daughter also molded a long meandering blue river for the platypus!
⋙ We liked almost everything about this toy, but I would change the packaging. The plastic pods they come in have a curved shape that makes it hard to get the Playfoam out, or put it back in to save for another day.
⋙ I keep an eye on my 2 year old with the little figurine however, because it’s small enough to be a choking hazard.
Overall, this toy provided my kids with a lot of opportunities for tactile fun and creativity. My 2 year old liked to squish it and roll it, while my 4 year old enjoyed making little houses for the animals. And it apparently never dries out and can be used a bunch. #winning.
Check out a two-pack of this toy for about $13 on our Amazon Influencer Shop Page (affiliate link).