I want to talk about my husband for a sec. There’s no special occasion, it’s not his birthday. I just thought you might like to hear the story of how we met.
It was in college; Cal Poly SLO. I was journalism. He was computer science. We didn’t have any friends in common. We didn’t hang out in the same places. In fact, we weren’t that similar at all. He’s also two and a half years older than me, so by the time our stars aligned when I was a college senior, he would have already graduated.
But, as fate would have it, he didn’t graduate. Not then, anyway. He actually dropped out for a bit, eventually working in Cal Poly’s Campus Dining department. I also worked for Campus Dining, but in marketing. I’m not sure how long we had both been working there without ever running into each other.
But I remember the day we did.
I was writing the monthly newsletter and my boss asked me to cover a renovation project to the main dining hall. It was called Lighthouse then, and it was changing to Garden Grille. I stepped out into that dining hall, still under construction, looking for people to interview. And there was Bowen, tools in hand and covered in dust, hanging wooden lattice on the wall when I walked up behind him. I asked if he’d like to be interviewed for the newsletter. He said sure, grabbed a friend and we all sat down.
These guys proceeded to answer my questions but their answers were … weird. When I asked how they thought the project was going, they’d say things like “Splendidly. It’s all coming to fruition.” … Not your typical college boy answer.
Turns out, they were parroting the Campus Dining director – directly quoting things she herself had said. To, you know, make fun of her. In her own newsletter. LOL. The good news is when the director saw the quotes, she had no idea she was being made fun of and loved that they reflected what she thought. Hahaha. It’s too perfect.
So, in the end, the newsletter was a success and the boys had a good laugh.
That Bowen, though. 😉.
Make sure you catch Part II of this story!
Aw y’all are too cute
I love it! So funny about your article, too! Hope you’re having a great week!