We made it to Washington! For those just tuning in here, Bowen and I decided to move from California…
Here’s my goodbye column in California with Paso Robles Magazine and Colony Magazine. Community news helped bridge the gap from my blogging world to local print and it’s sure been great ride.
We are moving in 5 days and I’m all about the happy-sad over here.
The kids’ pics are off their bedroom walls, their first big kid beds are sold and Bowen and I are currently sleeping on a mattress on the floor .
Big news …
We’re moving from California to Washington!! I’m equal parts sad, nervous and excited for this new adventure.
I don’t know how to put into words what SLO County means to me. If you know me at all, you know it’s more than just a place.
So many of my “when I’m a mom” goals have been rooted in the things I was exposed to while writing for the newspaper — things to do, people to be like.
Now that you know my story about how I ended up here, I want to share something with you that I’ve been writing, deleting and re-writing again.
I intended to present this blog from my role as a writer. But over the years, something else happened entirely. People saw me instead. For so long, I was programmed to be the journalist – the objective observer. But now, with this blog, you guys saw that it’s just me here. Even before I saw it myself.
So I’m stepping into my story now, because, this time, it’s my story to tell.
Do you have one day that changed everything for you? I did. A lot of you know that for many years, I was a newspaper reporter and now I’m not. Here’s why.
COVID-19. Quarantine. Being stuck inside your house with kids. Worry. Sickness. That on top of all the other mom stuff. It’s been a hard week, friends.
It’s times like these that we can use all the friends we can get.
Enter: SocialMama, an app that launched last year for moms looking for mom friends in their city and beyond.
Welp, we’re officially in a pandemic and it’s terrifying. Just like everyone is saying, this has been an unprecedented 48 hours.
It’s four days before Valentine’s Day, so how about another love story? Because I have Part II of how I…